
Dulce de Leche is a hard group to classify. And they like it that way.

Much like their namesake, they seem to be the sweet distillation of their collective influences. At times they remind me of low-fi indy favorites like The Moldy Peaches or early Belle & Sebastian. And, at other times, a loving ode to traditional regional Mexican music. But more than anything else, their sound conjures up the image of a bunch of good friends sitting around a fire on the beach just playing for the pure joy if it.

Whatever it is, I like it. And with a new album coming in March, I’m excited to see where they’re going to go next.

Here’s what the band had to say about their music and the perfect recipe for Dulce de Leche:

GORILLACOUSTIC: What should the world know about Dulce De Leche?

DULCE DE LECHE: 1) Its pronounced dool-seh de'h lé-che. 2) We taste better than we look and we sound better than we taste. 3)Dulce de Leche embodies the power of love through sound.

You're music is a real interesting blend of low-fi indy and traditional Mexican music.  Who are some of the people that influence you as musicians?

Dulce de Leche transcends low fi indy and mexican regional music. Plants, The collected works of Jorge Luís Borges, Shel Silverstien, Theodore Geisel and both Pete's Seeger/Sarstedt are just a few of many, many influences.

You use a lot of interesting percussion instruments in your music.  What are some of the more obscure instruments you've used?  Would you like to use?

The instruments we use are not so obscure if you open your mind to different sounds. It is often difficult to find the right timbre for a sound you hear in your mind and lately Mbiras(thumb piano), Gatorade Bottle Birdseed Shakers, a deck of cards, blowing bubbles though a straw into a glass of milk, Quicas, completely detuned auto harps, Snake Charmers and didgeridoos are being incorporated into the our sound. In the future we'd like to use a mantra chanting ensemble and sitars, more eastern instruments and different drums, particularly the water drums, we would also like to incorporate sounds of nature.

GA: Why did you choose to play at Zuma Beach?

Zuma Beach is a label, the beach is one long nameless coastline, boundary of the great ocean and giver of life. We believe there's much energy within the ocean. In the Elegua tradition, the ocean is known as Yemaya, which is the great mother, mother of life. We chose this song in acknowledgement of her... of
Mama Ocean.

GA: If you could choose anywhere else in the world to play, where would it be?

The world is our oyster, the world is everywhere and nowhere. Some places that come to mind are Madagascar - It would be fun to improvise to the majestic sounds of the jungle and learn polyrhythms from the native music makers. Morocco - The view of the Mediterranean sea calls for a ballad; and Arabic coffee in Casablanca would be nice. Mexico - the traditions of Guadalajara... specifically, the mariachis and troubadours provide an air of nostalgia, nostalgia for our roots and the struggle of our people.... more importantly the JOY provided to the world by musicians throughout history.

Have you ever made dulce de leche?  And if so, do you have a recipe you can share?

Oh yea, we make Dulce de Leche every single day, though mostly on Thursday afternoons. The recipe is this... First I get together with a little bit of Ashely, then I add three quarters of a Bryan and a little hint Jose, I get it all in a bowl, mix it, love it, and throw in a little scotch... a little powdered sugar and mix... that’s all I can say. The next step is the magic, we cant give that away... but still you have the best dulce de leche that has been made, ever lived, ever sang, ever cried, ever talked, ever danced, ever ever everred... and every now and then we add a little more spice....for kicks, to keep the recipe new and fresh.

Go and get Dulce De Leche’s latest album “Sun Moon & Starships” now from iTunes.

STANDOUT TRACKS: “Otherside”, “Bahai”

